Monday, May 24, 2010

Who do you confess to?

....Confession isn't just about the 'telling of sins"...but for me more of  a chance to develop myself and clear the way for new and enlightened ideas and thoughts... Ive never been to a confessional and Ive certainly never thought of going to one...but that does not mean I don't confess, or release myself from the thoughts, fantasies and secrets that fill my mind and my soul....on the contrary..I write them down, or share them with a trusted friend and sometimes an experienced therapist.....but lately Ive been intrigued about the blogging world and thought it the perfect venue for encouraging a dialogue between individuals who would like to share their own stories, secrets or thoughts in an open and honest way....anonymous if you would like....So my first question is ...Who do you confess to, if anyone, and why? and how does it leave you feeling?